Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy Melbourne

Starting couples therapy can be overwhelming, as it requires acknowledging that a relationship is struggling. It can be a space where the couple prioritises their relationship in order to navigate their difficulties. I aim to provide a non-bias space to help couples tell their relationship story, explore the major relationship stressors, identify unhelpful conflict patterns, teach communication skills to navigate difficult conversations, find common ground, and provide tools to transform patterns of behaviour.

Couples therapy can also help couples understand who their partner is on a deeper level, what the relationship needs are, and how to create a stronger and more fulfilling connection. With my guidance and expertise, therapy can be a significant step towards healing and improving a struggling relationship.

Some of the common symptoms/causes of relationship difficulties.

  • Communication challenges

  • Neglecting or not prioritising the relationship

  • Poor conflict styles

  • Withdrawing from one another

  • Emotional or physical extra-marital relationships/affairs

  • Managing work-life balance

  • Financial distress

  • Issues with parenting

  • Differences in values

  • Loss of job/change in career

  • Challenges with in-laws

  • Sexual problems and intimacy